Scott Li and Levi Lu often collaborate in Warp Duo, but this will be the first time the two will share a bill in solo acts. I first learned about Scott’s work when I heard them at Joy Guidry’s show in 2022. I really loved the way they combined erratic, distorted, haunting sounds with simple, emotive melodies—a duality that embodied ecstasy and tenderness.
Levi designs Max/MSP-based electroacoustic feedback systems with cyborg-like body augmentations inspired by Objectophilia/animism, which include special microphones and speakers placed within bodily orifices, augmented amplified laptop, and a custom-mapped flight joystick controller. Their resulting performances consist of choreographed, ritualistic improvisations that build on ancient Chinese drumming traditions and explore body dysmorphia, sexuality, spirituality, and mortality, linking together sound, movement, and violence in divine ceremony.
guest-curated by LM